• Critical Software

  • Critical Software

We offer versatile critical software solutions designed to meet the specific needs of clients across various sectors. We support our clients through every phase of development, from product and system conceptualization to certification. Our expertise, originating from the demanding aeronautical environment, is adaptable to the requirements of each sector and regulation: automotive, railway, aerospace, naval, etc.

  • Product or system conceptualization.
  • Software development and auditing.
  • All phases of verification and validation.
  • Support and guidance in certification, regardless of regulations.
  • Documentation generation, optimizing costs and time.
  • Integrated Solutions

Integrated Solutions

  • Requirements and Audits: We identify and manage security requirements to ensure your software complies with relevant standards and regulations. Our security audits thoroughly evaluate compliance with security regulations and identify potential vulnerabilities in your software.
  • Architecture and Security Standards: We follow internationally recognized best practices and standards like ISO/IEC 27001 and ISO/IEC 62443 to ensure the security of your infrastructure and information systems. We implement measures to strengthen your equipment and systems, reducing the attack surface and enhancing the security of your environment.
  • DevSecOps Profiles for the Software Development Lifecycle: Adhering to ISO/IEC 27001 and ISO/IEC 62443, we ensure the security of your infrastructure and information systems. We strengthen your team and systems to reduce the attack surface and enhance your environment's security.

MFoC Financing

Support program to enhance public-private cooperation in R&D through technological innovation projects supported by open innovation cores in the Community of Madrid.

Activity financed for the MADRID-FLIGHT-ON-CHIP project. Exp. 49.520608.9.18. Coordinating Entity of the Beneficiary Group: SENER AEROESPACIAL.

Project funded by the Community of Madrid and European Union funds for regional development 2014-2020 (FEDER).


Bertrandt AG

Birkensee 1, 71139 Ehningen, Germany